Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Eins in Elf

So I've officially been in Berlin for one month, 1/10th, or 10% of my stay. In honor of this anniversary, here's a compilation of answers to questions that I have received. 

Q: How is it going so far?
A: Awesome! I am having a great time. I still feel like there is so much of Berlin to see, much less Europe. Renee and friends, my coworkers, and the NY gals have all been so great to have around that I haven't felt lonely out here (since the internet mishap, that is).

Q: How is work?
A: Pretty tough so far. There is a lot to learn about how they do things and I also feel a degree of expectation/pressure to leave this place better than I found it. Don't get me wrong, that is my goal always but the team is very bright and hard-working so it's not like they're screwing things up. There is less "low-hanging fruit" than I expected. So far I'm having a hard enough time to get a grasp on what the heck is going on to start making suggestions for improvement. Obviously, I know I will get the hang of things but with my short time span here I want to start making a difference now! Also, Khalix the financial reporting system at MTV, used to be my best friend but it's so slow my Khalix love is gone.

Q: How do you like your apartment?
A: It gets the job done. I'm not wild about the location and I don't really need anything fancier but it's something I would have picked out for myself. I like living alone and with how busy I've been I can't imagine having a roommate because then I'd have to pick up after myself. By the way, here are some pictures of my apartment! I should have taken them a month ago when it was cleaner but I just shuffled the mess out of camera range.

Q: Is life in Berlin how you expected?
A: The dreariness is a bummer that I didn't expect. I was warned of the cold but not the constant grey and dark Since food is my main expense, the fact that it is so much cheaper than I expected has been a pleasant surprise. And also has put more pressure on my gym visits.

Q: How about those Germans?
A: Well my coworkers are awesome, I heart them all very much. As for the rest of them... You've read about some encounters, and there have definitely been more where I ran into the German stereotype of following the rules without question. I kind of think that's funny. I love rules but sometimes it's ok to bend them (e.g. jaywalking). Also, the boys are NOT cute.

Q: How is the beer?
A: Tasty

Q: Do you plan on staying longer than 10 months?
A: (This is the question that I get the most frequently) probably not... there are a couple of factors: I don't exactly have something to stay FOR. Unless I start applying for jobs on the internet, I'd be here as one of the 14% of the population that is unemployed. Additionally, I am pretty excited about the things happening at work in New York with the implementation of our new financial system. Nerdy, I know, but it's not like you thought I was cool anyway. Job factors aside... maybe I could see myself staying longer but right now that's not really an option so I don't have to think about it!

Q: What do you miss the most?
A: Luckily, not my pals. I know that sounds terrible but thanks to the internet I've been able to talk and see people regularly. Unfortunately, I've been super busy so that has made it hard to stay in touch but it would be the same problem if I were in New York. I miss errands on Sundays. I want to buy groceries and go to the bank and the library. Napster streaming music. Android phone. People in a rush (and not standing two-abreast on the escalator, come on). Customer service.

Q: What do you miss the least?
A: Unreliable public transportation, dryers, getting cat-called no matter the time or my appearance (so far Germans are too polite to sexually harass strangers)

Q: Do you have any goals for the next few months?
A: LEARN GERMAN! I start class next week. Travel my face off. Figure out what's going on at work at and make a difference.

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