Sunday, January 16, 2011

Falling Short of the American Stereotype

With the exception of the one time I magically bowled a 14 with Naman (I have SCOURED my archives and the social networks but I think the photographic evidence is gone with the Nexus although I did tweet about it on Star Wars Day, if I ever sent you a picture of that glorious night please send it to me so I can post) I am not a good bowler. The finance team went out bowling on Thursday and I performed as usual. Good times, though! I love the team. Everyone is so friendly and has welcomed me as part of the gang right away. Even the folks that don’t think their English is very good still make an effort to have conversations (but I think everyone’s is pretty good). This makes me want to learn German even more! How fun would it be to join in the conversations in German. I am starting to learn enough words that I can guess what the subject of conversation is but no clue what is being said. Anyway we enjoyed pizzas and fries and lots of rounds of bowling (and beers!) In the New York office, we commonly refer to each other by our system user IDs - for example, I am PANDAN. They do the same here! We bowled under our USER IDs, I know it’s so nerdy but I love it. Some are more difficult to pronounce than others (MATZCJ).

After the bowling alley we went out for absacke which is the word for the last drink of the night. We went to a bar called Pony! Just like my favorite New York bar! Fun place, not the same, but it brought back memories of American Craft Ales. I split a taxi home with Sebastian who explained that instead of using North and South they use Right and Left to explain directions. I was/am completely confused by this and I think it requires and even further understanding of where you are instead of just a general sense of direction. I will have to learn I guess.

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