Here's some great news, there were open rows on the plane! when's the last time that happened? I spread out and watched the social network which I’ve been meaning to see but haven’t since I’m afraid of bed bugs in the movie theaters in New York. When I arrived in Berlin, turns out the gatekeepers didn't ask me any questions, and I even looked like a hashish smuggler from Locked Up Abroad. My bags made it intact, they let me into the country, and my super Frank Wollfram was home to let me in. So then i exhaled and it felt pretty awesome.
So the apartment... It’s not quite a studio but it's also not quite a 1 bedroom. It is the largest place I've lived in the past four years, my bathroom being bigger than my bedroom at 253. It’s really cute and has a few windows and even heat! A couple exciting surprises - a toaster! and a shower curtain! What I didn’t have was a dual-flow toilet which I thought was standard practice on this continent and I was excited about the water I was going to get to conserve. The first and only question I had for Frank was regarding the internet, which he explained I would have to get set up myself. BUMMER. My camera is dead I packed the charger for my camera in the fedex boxes so I will be taking pictures once the boxes come or never. Hit me up on videochat, skype, or facetime if you want to go for a tour.
Nothing is open on Sundays so I couldn't get the hairdryer and straightener I needed. Instead I went to find internet to tell the world I was alive. but wait, nothing was open, so I went to McDonalds. Max was on gchat even though it was like 8AM in MN, he had left it open so that if i came online he would be there to chat with me. what a pal! we videochatted breifly but the mcdonalds internet wasn’t very good and i coudn't even check/send emails. Then my ma and Kevin came online and we got to say hello, which made me feel great. I wanted to go walking but I didnt know where to go but I went to the office (lame, right?). On my way I found a mexican restaurant, I’ll remember that for later...
What do I miss the most so far? Internet
What am I most excited about? Everything that I saw today was so new. I’m excited for it to become familiar, and maybe go somewhere other than McDonalds
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