Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm from the Same Place as the Walshes

What a fun day today! The sun came out for the first time since I've been here. I used my new alarm to wake up on time and enjoy some toast. When I got to work I finished up my favorite rollforward which made me feel like I was back in the grove of solving fixed asset mysteries on Fixed Asset Blvd with Cate Konzet.

After a morning of serious working, I went down to grab lunch with my coworkers. At first I felt like a dope because as usual I had no idea what they were serving and I couldn't participate in conversation. Then they remembered me and we all chatted in English for the rest of lunch and even teased our coworker for driving to work instead of walking 10 minutes (which is what I would do to anyone, German or American). They taught me some good words to know and I think it was fun for all. I soon as I got a chance to mention Minnesota someone said, "Oh thats where Brandon from 90210 is from!" Ya'll know I can't go a day without bringing up The Great State so I had to lay the groundwork early.

I saw the HR gal this afternoon to go over the forms and the meetings I need to get all my work and living permits. It's very complicated, everything is in German and I don't even think she was sure about some of the requirements. Wish me luck...

Next I got my "chip" which is like our company ID but with no picture and it has a discount at the food stand in the lobby. When i got back to my desk I got my phone.... yyyaaaaayyyyy! Here's the funny part: since they were out of blackberries, I had to get an iPhone. Which is sort of ironic I guess considering my Android love but I am definitely not complaining. While the IT folks were at my desk I got busted for installing Chrome but I pleaded with them that I needed it to translate full pages. Going back to IE from Chrome is like going to an iPhone from an Android. (No offense intended, all in good jest.)

Next, I had a meeting with the New York gang to talk Transponders like old times! man it felt good to be a productive member of a team today!

I met up with a friend of a friend, Renee, for dinner tonight which was quite a highlight. She had so much good advice. We even talked about bikes. Also great to be out with a fun gal! I'm looking forward to hanging out with her a Big Lebowski party tomorrow. too good to be true!

Tons went down today. I'm looking forward to another great day tomorrow. Now that I've gotten the fundamentals down I can focus on the fun stuff like learning German and travelling the Continent and joining a bank and a gym.

What do I miss the most? Still salad.
What am I most excited about? Work and also this Falafal place that Renee showed me. nom nom nom

1 comment:

  1. I guess that's the way the whole durned human comedy keeps perpetuatin' itself.
