Friday, March 4, 2011


It is clear that I have a passion for exotic fruits, as well as non-exotic fruits and let's face it, vegetables and legumes too. I love sharing my fruit passion with the Exotic Fruit Club of MTV Networks but they aren't here so man must venture alone.

The first exotic fruit I found here was the Cherimoya. For some reason I didn't buy it on that trip, I wasn't ready to fruit alone. I recently came across it again when at the store with Melissa. These were much smaller than those I saw the first time but I couldn't miss another opportunity.

This is one of those fruits you don't refrigerate, like a banana or an avocado. Many sites recommended freezing it after it ripens and eating it like ice cream. Since Dr. Theresa Mueller ruined my ability to enjoy cold foods I will eat this at room temperature.

Many fruits are pleasantly fragrant. The pineapple made my whole apartment smell like a tropical vacation! This one has no smell. Once I cut it open, it smelled a little like manufactured fruit cocktail. Not much of a smell but mostly like syrupy-sugar.
According to Wikipedia, Mark Twain called this the most delicious fruit known to man. Having been to Mark Twain's house on a road trip to Missouri with Max Page I feel like like I should trust this opinion, but it's so egregious that impossible.

I tried it. Not the most delicious fruit ever. Not even sure if i like it. another bite. it's like a pear but with a smooth texture. I'm eating it out of the half like a little bowl. The closer I get to the skin, the more the texture is like a pear. In the center there is a stem that just falls out and the rest of the fruit come apart in chunks that remind me of salmon. Doesn't taste or look like salmon, just the chunks remind me of it. Sometimes I get hints of bleu cheese in the flavor.
Wikipedia also stated that "The seeds are poisonous if crushed open". I like the seeds, they big and heavy as opposed to most seeds which feel (and are) hollow. I would like to open one up to see if it is also hollow but I won't (see above). 

Some bites are bland, some are complex, never overpowering. Sometimes I get a waft of the uneaten fruit and it smells like something that's been on the counter all day. I need to eat more of these to decide if it's special or if it's just a glorified pear.


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