Thursday, May 5, 2011

Street Luge

On my bike ride to work this morning I saw a dude ona street luge. I love Berlin.

It’s awesome having Jessica here but combining her visit with Budget means I have no chance to do anything else. Even with this full schedule Tuesday and Wednesday's Twins Games and her smiling face every night machen alles gut.

Sadly, I am not sharing two top American holidays with the MTV gang as I had hoped. It would be irresponsible for me to throw a party for either Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) or Cinco De Mayo during the Budgeting process.

Jessica has also helped me do stuff around the house to save a little time. For example, when Frank changed the lightbulbs, the €13 charge didn’t include putting the ceiling light back on correctly. Everytime anything in the apartment or neighboring apartments moves, the thing rattles. rattle rattle. Rattle. rattle rattle rattle. Rattle. So you see how maybe it was annoying? Jessica helped me put the step stool on the kitchen table and held it steady while I dismantled the light. That’s what friends are for.

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