Coldest day yet, -7 C‘s! And so overcast it's like the post-apocalyptic Cormack McCarthy book, The Road, out there (minus the cannibals, etc).
This morning I had my aufenthaltsangelegenheit (residence proposal) meeting, and great news - I didn't get deported! To get the appointment I sent an email in Germany asking for a meeting time. A week and a half later I received the date and time in the paper mail.
Over the past few weeks, I have meticulously translated and completed each of the numerous application pages. I had my parents send over copies of my diplomas and my CPA which I was told would help (or were required, depending on who you ask) with the work permit process. I knew I wouldn’t actually get kicked out immediately but I still wanted things to go as smoothly as possible.
The Landesamt für Bürger und Ordnungsangelegenheiten is a typical government office. The appointment letter I received told me which of the three buildings and what of the 20-some waiting rooms I should sit in. After about 40 minutes I started to get nervous. I arrived right on time, what if they called me early? There wasn’t a soul around to ask for help so I could sit there until they closed without knowing what the deal was. Thankfully I was called in around 45 minutes after my scheduled time. The person I spoke with did not seem grumpy and she even replied to my Guten Morgen J
I gave her my stack of documents. She sorted through them, giving some back to me and setting some aside. As she did this, I went through my mental checklist for the 100th time and realized I forgot both my passport AND cash for the fee. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I prepared so much for this and forgot these two important items? I started to feel like I was going to be sick…
Then I snapped back into it as my registration lady asked me if I had an email address. I replied that I did and she had me write it down on the back of what looked like a ripped Hello My Name Is label (it was the matte side, not the waxy side). She said she would email me if my work permit was approved. If I didn’t hear back then I could stay for three more months. “So… that’s it? Do you want me to come back?” I asked. “I will email you if you are approved,” she responded. “um, ok, danke.”
Let’s hope I get that email…