Monday, April 4, 2011

Drei in Elf

March just flew by. I am really loving Berlin so I have a feeling that the next seven months will pass in the same way. It helps that this has been a beautiful weekend and every person in this city is sitting at a park or a cafe somewhere. Every single person has told me that summer is the best time in Berlin and I will love it then. But spring is really great so I can't even imagine summer. I can't wait! 

Q: How is it going so far?
A: Loving it. Spending more time outside and doing things in the city has helped me to feel more at home. During the cold months being stuck indoors didn't help me to appreciate the city around me. I looove riding my bike around. The city has is smaller when I'm not waiting on the U-bahn platform. It's actually possible to run errands in the evenings because it takes half as much time to get anywhere. Riding to work cuts my commute time in half and it's my favorite start to the day.

Q: How is work?
A: Still tough. I still have ambitious hopes but still have not enough hours in the day. I thought I would get back into the groove of working with minutia but it's not natural to me anymore. Just like Michael Bolton, I always mess up some mundane detail.

Q: How do you like your apartment?
A: Still not wild about it but spending less time there

Q: How is the beer?
A: OK, it's time to come clean. The beer here is not impressive. It's all pilsner! or maybe a hefeweizen. I need some variety in my life and by variety I don't mean 17 different pilsner options. Really missing American beverage diversity.

Q: Do you plan on staying longer than 10 months?
A: Would I want to live here for longer than 10 months? Yes. Do I think I will? Doubtful. I'm still more interested in the work I could be doing in New York. What a lame adult thing to say.

Q: How's your German?
A: I am speaking in German on the regular. I think it probably sounds terrible and my grammar is all wrong but I am saying words that people understand. Just yesterday while conversing with our taxi driver I found out that his wife was from Minneapolis! If I wasn't speaking Deutsch, I would have missed out on that fun fact. I want to make some German friends so I can speak it more outside of work because Melissa and Randi are not interested in sprachen mit mir.

Here's a quick list of things I love about Berlin. The list gets longer every day...

Görlitzer Park, former site of Görlitzer Bahnhof
Bikes. Whole families riding around together for transport and recreation
The looks I get from my bike helmet
Speaking german
Not just recycling but reducing
Cheap food, cheap everything
Random parks from old airports and train stations
My awesome coworkers on the 3rd floor!!
Being surrounded by and meeting people from all over Europe and the world, not just the NY tri-state
German music
Dogs, unleashed and everywhere
Berlin city girls (the real thing AND the song)
Chatting with crazy Andrea at Bella B
Traveling with Naman

But I do miss some things about the US, including but not limited to...
The Homemade Snuggies
Fancy food
Fast Internet
Magic Hat, Brooklyn Brewery, Goose Island, Ithica, Sierra Nevada...
Huge coffees
The ability to do anything on Sunday other than sit around
Good hair days

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