Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pictures of Toilet Seat Covers

Better late than never. For the record, I wrote this on in a timely manner but never got around to posting it.

I'm here to work and whatnot but my main motivation of this study abroad is to exchange cultural experiences. I shared St. Patrick's Day and Melissa and I made plans to share April Fools Day. We weren't sure if they celebrated it here but had we asked someone it would have given away our plans so we had to take a jump. We both got to the office early with a couple tricks in mind. For our German friends, we rearranged the keys on their keyboards. I know, it's not like vaseline on the doorknob but we were playing it safe. For the North kids, we tried to switch Anja and Hille's phone lines but for some reason it didn't work! Melissa pulled out the old tape-under-the-mouse trick on Hille who was so concerned that it was broken she called IT before Melissa spilled the beans. The 3rd floor gang was not as amused as we thought they would be so I was glad we didn't put vodka in anyone's water bottle or change all their phone extensions to silly prank numbers. To Melissa's surprise the North gals got her back! She's a huge soda drinker so when she took a swig of her daily Coca-Cola Classic she was greeted with pepper and I don't mean the Doctor. She was bummed because it was her only Coke but what a great trick, good job girls!

Melissa moved to her new apartment last week (two weeks ago). I'm really excited for her to have this place because much more than me, I think she values having a comfortable home. After living in Elliot Park and the mouse-house on 79th St I know how to rough it. 

Melissa got to pick out her own apartment and found one not far from the office that's a brand new renovation. She's got a real kitchen and a great balcony. I'm sad that she won't be at Gneisenaustr anymore and I loved our time together in the dorms. On the bright side, being spread out we will spend more time in other neighborhoods, or at least not so much in Mitte. Yesterday (last Sunday), we went to the German Home Depot called Bauhaus and she picked out some patio furniture and a grill. Can't wait to spend the summer sitting on her deck with corn on the cob! Also at the German Home Depot, was an elaborate collection of toilet seat covers. It's hard to see the holograms in this photo but believe me, they're there.

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